Blue Shark Pictures is creating a revolution in the entertainment industry; we bring value by leveraging ourselves as the top entertainment fund in the world, which in turn will make the most money & bring in the highest yields for your project.
We are the Blue Shark of entertainment – we are the authority. We bring confidence and authenticity to any project and will appropriate and manage funds so you can focus on making your project reach its potential. Our fund will create the whole package for you by building out the brand of each entertainment package, which enables us to reach a worldwide audience.
We have an established portfolio that allows us to develop branded content that attracts the finest talent and ensures quality product. We’re continuing to build our portfolio with the following funding targets:
Fund 1: $150 Million
Fund 2: $500 Million
Fund 3: $1 Billion
We invest in the hottest entertainment opportunities that make money, including movies, TV series, Broadway shows, video games, streaming platforms, mobile apps, movie studios, and production facilities. We partner with movie studios, producers, A-list actors, directors, and screenwriters, as well as top talent agents & managers.
Our team is building an incredible board of advisors that will include the top players in the entertainment sector. Access our proprietary business model, comprised of sophisticated influential leaders in the industry from accredited investors to wealthy families and billionaires.
Blue Shark Pictures is rising to the top and becoming the next generation of entertainment. Are you in?